
Hi, I’m Sam!

I’ve been writing my whole life, scribbling stories on anything close to hand from the shopping list to napkins to post-it notes (don’t mention post-its to hubby haha).

I grew up reading fantasy of the likes of Anne McCaffrey, Terry Pratchett, and their peers. I’m also a lifelong vampire fan, along with all things spooky. In my late teens I was introduced to paranormal romance and discovered a whole new layer of story telling with a bit of a spicy edge! Taking what I learnt from all of the above, I devoted myself to creating full-bodied characters, meaty plots, epic adventure, and a little bit of naughty sauce on the side.

I completed a Diploma of Professional Writing and Editing after high school and spent the next several years in my writing cave, working on a novel that is now in a drawer somewhere, followed by a couple of others who shared the same fate. (What can I say? I’m a recovering perfectionist.)

I came close to debuting my novel career in 2009, then ended up pregnant and took some time off to have kids. I debuted for real in 2019 with Sorcery and Stardust and won ARRA’s Favourite Debut Romance Author for 2019, which was extremely cool!

I write speculative fiction that doesn’t fit particularly well into any specific sub-genre, but after many years and a lot of angst, I’m okay with that. I love all my characters and their stories for different reasons, but have a soft spot for an excellent villain and a tortured protagonist.

I currently live in south east Melbourne, Victoria, with my hubby, two kids, a Golden Retriever and a turtle. I volunteer with the Romance Writers of Australia, and I’m passionate about good writing, interesting characters and happily ever afters.

Feathers In My Cap

Winner – ARRA’s Favourite Debut Author for 2019 (Sorcery and Stardust)

Placegetter – Romance Writers of Australia’s Spicy Bites Anthology, themed ‘leather.’
Finalist – ARRA’s Favourite Sci Fi, Fantasy or Futuristic Romance for 2020 (Sorcery and Sandstorms)

Finalist – ARRA’s Favourite Short or Category Fiction for 2022 (Blitzen)